Sapienza institutional users can access most of the electronic resources off campus using their institutional credentials. Off campus access is available for:
- students and staff of Sapienza University of Rome
- registered with the Sapienza Foundation
- students and staff of Unitelma Sapienza
The use of all electronic resources is subject to the acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Use.
How to access
There are 4 options for off campus access:
- Authenticate on the publisher's platform using your institutional credentials --> On the resource page click on the authentication button (usually located at the top right), select Login via Shibboleth / Institutional login (or similar wording), choose the IDEM Federation and then select / type Sapienza in the list of institutions; you are redirected to the university's unique authentication page, where you need to enter your institutional credentials. This option is for Sapienza students and staff only.
- Authenticate by A-Zproxy using your institutional credentials and browse the lists of available resources on the SBS website. This option is available to all institutional users.
- Authenticate by FLYER when you land on the electronic resource webpage (e.g. after a Google Scholar search). This option is available to all institutional users. NEW!!!
- Searching DiscoverySapienzaor browsing the A-Z List of electronic resources -> On the DiscoverySapienza or A-Z List homepage, click on the yellow banner "Sapienza User? Log in with your institutional credentials" and enter your credentials; you are redirected to the DiscoverySapienza homepage / A-Z List and you can start your search. This mode is available to all institutional users.
Electronic resources not available off campus
Warning: most electronic resources can be accessed from home, but not all. The following are excluded from this service:
- Electronic resources subscribed individually by the Sapienza libraries can be consulted only from dedicated computers in the specific libraries.