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Outreach activities and projects

The Sapienza Library System organises and promotes a series of activities aimed at enhancing the library facilities and the documentary heritage of Sapienza, also in favour of a wider and more varied public than that of the university community.
The Sapienza Library System also coordinates specific projects financed by the Department for Youth Policy and Universal Civil Service of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.


Projects 2024-2026

Come in uno specchio: il lettore che si legge. Percorsi di biblioterapia – Libraries are a public space whose task does not end with the preservation of library material or the provision of library services. With increasing awareness, they are transforming themselves into a place that dialogues with the territory and the community, and sometimes creates it, and strives for the common wellbeing, seeking to be able to contribute in relation to their own field of competence. For this reason, bibliotherapy is one of the ideal terrains where libraries and society can converge, reassigning books a practical role of advocacy, support and comparison.


Other ongoing projects

fREAD yourself. Women in shelters and the impact of libraries – Winner of the international call The Europe Challenge 2024: Libraries, Communities and Democracy, can be considered a remodelling of the Lib(e)riamoci project. In this case, women housed in one of the anti-violence centres of the Differenza Donna ATS Association will benefit from activities related to computer literacy, participation in cultural life (theatres, museums, visits) and the enhancement of their culture of origin, in particular, through traditional cooking and food sharing.


Projects 2021-2023

Lib(e)riamoci – Violence against women is a widespread and still underestimated phenomenon, as are its consequences on the lives of its victims and on society as a whole. The project intends to make the skills and professionalism of Sapienza librarians available to women housed in the anti-violence centres of the Associazione Differenza Donna ATS to organise information literacy initiatives, cultural and recreational activities, the latter in favour of their children. In this context, the libraries themselves learn and become laboratories for promoting a culture aimed at overcoming the prejudices and stereotypes still present outside and inside the academic community.

I libri Sapienza parlano – The I libri Sapienza parlano project aims to provide people with visual impairments or DSA (including the visually impaired, blind, dyslexic, etc.) with the opportunity to consult the same variety of texts as those who do not have disabilities, and to do so from the Sapienza Libraries. The project envisages the creation and supply to people with disabilities only of books read by the human voice as well as books in different electronic formats that guarantee greater versatility in exploring the content.


Reading groups

The Ernesto Valentini Library of the Faculty of Medicine and Psychology organises the LetterariaMente reading group with monthly meetings open to students, lecturers, technical, administrative and library staff of the University, as well as external users.


Completed projects

Project Bici-lette, le vie della Sapienza – third mission project promoted by the Library System together with the Sapienza Libraries.
