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Riviste Online Sapienza - ROSA

Riviste Online SApienza (R.O.SA) Service is the result of the synergy between the Sapienza Library System (SBS) and Sapienza University Press (SUE), wich maintain, develop and promote the centralised e-publishing platform dedicated to open access eJournals property of Sapienza University of Rome.

R.O.SA Service uses Open Journal System (OJS), one of the most widely used software for manage and publish scholarly eJournals, in compliance with the technical and editorial quality standards shared within the scholarly community.

The R.O.SA Service promote and support principles declared in Open Access Policy of Sapienza University of Rome, approved by the Academic Senate with resolution no. 50 of February 11, 2020 and issued by Rectoral Decree no. 699 of February 27, 2020.

R.O.SA Service aims to:

  • reorganise and standardise publication processes of eJournals proprierty of Sapienza University and published by Sapienza University Press;
  • spread the culture of open access at Sapienza;
  • promote and support the transition to an open digital;
  • provide training and technical assistance to Editorial staffs;
  • disseminate, index and enhance Sapienza's publishing heritage;
  • long-term preservation, guaranteeing the contents'integrity.
