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È stato attivato un trial per il pacchetto Kluwer Law, insieme composto da ebook, ejournal e database.

Il trial è stato prolungato fino al 31 gennaio 2018.

Di seguito l’elenco con i link delle risorse accessibili:

  • Kluwer Competition Law: Industry Standard Database with 80+ jurisdictions, 111 Books, 3 Journals and all news features
  • Kluwer IP Law: Practical side of IP - Industry Standard Database with the Manual IP (“Brown Book”), Patent Litigation (including Visser) and Copyright and Trademark law for over 230 jurisdictions, with 99 Books and one Journal.
  • ktMINE: Business side of IP - Most comprehensive repository of IP data available including license agreements, royalty rates, patents, patent assignments, trademarks, trademark assignments, M&A deals, and patent litigation. The data is daily updated and enriched with analytics.
  • Kluwer Arbitration: Industry Standard Database with 5000+ awards, 243 Books and 11 Journals.
  • Kluwer International Tax Law: Complete International Tax Law Database covering most jurisdictions on: Tax Treaties (including Klaus Vogel), Permanent Establishments, Transfer Pricing, VAT, Tax Planning, Wealth Management and BEPS.
  • Kluwer Law Online: Online library with all our Journals (24) and Manuals (34) including all journal archives (going back to 1963 (Common Market Law Review)).
  • Digital Book Platform: Platform with the full range of books published by Kluwer Law International covering 14 practice areas and including more than 2100 publications
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